Surgical Correction And Recovery of Male Breast

When male breast affects about 40 to 60 percent of men over development. It may result from hormonal imbalance, obesity, certain drugs or heritage and may affect one or both breasts. Candidates for breast reduction are men with large or slack breasts that physically and emotionally make them feel uncomfortable. Breast reduction can be performed on men whose breast development is complete; are in good health, both physically and emotionally, and aren't overweight. Ideally, candidates have a firm, elastic skin that adapts to the contours of their post-surgical breasts.

What is Reduction of the male breast?

Male breast reduction is usually performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia and usually takes 1 to 3 hours. Male breast reduction is done by liposuction or surgery or by combining both. If the enlarged breasts are primarily caused by excessive fatty tissue, the tissue is usually removed with liposuction, during which a canola (a thin, hollow tube) is inserted by very small incisions and then moved back and forth to loosen excess fat, which is absorbed by a vacuum or a syringe attached to the canola. The incisions are made in the lower part of the areola or underarms. If the enlarged breasts are mainly caused by too much glandular tissue, surgery is necessary. Incisions are made to eliminate tissue.  Nipples repositioning and excising excess skin also require incisions. Sutures are used to close the incisions and the area is typically bandaged and typically, the area is covered with a compression garment.

Surgical Correction of Male Breast Reduction

Men whose condition cannot be corrected by alternative medical treatments. Healthy individuals who have no life-threatening disease or medical conditions that may impair healing Non - smokers and non - drug users Men with a positive outlook and specific goals to improve gynecologist's physical symptoms.  

How We Give Recovery From Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

There is bruising, swelling and discomfort following male breast reduction surgery. Discomfort usually dissipates after a few days and can be reduced with pain medication prescribed. To reduce swelling, the compression tissue is worn for about 2 weeks and several more weeks at night. Swelling and any skin discoloration partly subside after 1 or 2 weeks and stitches are removed at that time.

In most cases, patients return to work within a week. Light aerobic exercise can be done after a week, but hard work should be avoided for 4 to 6 weeks.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery in Surat and All Over Gujarat (India)

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